How to Join Us
The easiest place to start is the home page for the Pittsburgh Rat Lovers Club Google Group site
IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A GOOGLE ( for additional help)
go to You are able to look at almost everything but we will NOT be abe to POST anything unless you become a member.
Click on " Apply for Group Membership"
it should then take you to a page where you will need to log in. If you DO NOT HAVE a Google Account click on " Create an Account Now"
You will see a short form to fill out. You can use any email that you like. What do you want emails from the group sent to?
then you will be sent an email with instructions to verify your account.
ONCE YOU HAVE A VERIFIED GOOGLE ACCOUNT: ( Google will allow you to automatically log immediately after you register but then you have to verify before you can log in again.)
go to You are able to look at almost everything but we will NOT be abe to POST anything unless you become a member.
Click on " Apply for Group Membership"
it should then take you to a page where you will need to log in.
Sign in with your Google account. this can be what ever email address you picked to use and your Google Password (let me know if you need help with this step)
Then you will see a page that will ask you how you want to get your emails(or posts just like yahoo now), what you want to show as your nickname. You will be able to change these settings at any time.
Now the managers and myself will get an email telling us that you are waiting to be approved. If I am the one that approves you I will also immediately make it so you can begin posting right away. If not your first couple post will be moderated. This is to keep Spammers and non-rat lovers from cluttering our boards.
let me know if you experience any problems along the way or within the the Group site. There is always bound to be kinks that will have to be worked out.
For additional help with Google Account
Feel free to contact the PRLC moderators at
website by The Pittsburgh Rat Lovers Club and Rescue
Site maintained by Co-Founding Partners & Members